NASA has sent a satellite and a rocket to the moon to find water. The U.S. cannot afford to pay for a $79 million dollar mission in the economy we are in right now. Businesses are cutting everywhere and people are losing their jobs, so the U.S. is going to respond by shelling out $79 million dollars to try to find water on the moon? By finding water on the moon we will prove that there was once life on the moon. If we do find water, how will that affect our lives? The answer is it won’t. In this economy we can’t spend $79 million dollars on something that we are curious about. We need to spend that money on businesses and to decrease our national debt.
If this mission fails and we find no water then it is a total waste. If we do find water it may prove there was once life on the moon but you have to wonder is it worth what we are spending. If I were president or in charge of NASA I would wait until our economy recovers before I think about this mission. There shouldn’t be any rush on this mission because the water will still be there 2 years from now and so will NASA. My point is I don’t think our economy is good enough to support a mission like this and with jobs and budgets getting cut this was a bad time to do this mission. If you are interested in this story you can find the article HERE
Barack Obama has won the Nobel Peace Prize. The Nobel Committee said he won it for, “His extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and co-operation between peoples” (BBC). I don’t think Obama has been in office long enough to receive this prestigious award. Personally I don’t think that he has made extraordinary efforts for international diplomacy because he campaigned for the presidency for most of the year and has been calling out Iran for their nuclear weapons. I think with this move the Nobel Committee is trying to advertise Obama and have people buy into his policies. There are a lot of questions about Obama around the world and people may think he is the real deal if he wins the Nobel Peace Prize. I think that it is very interesting that an international committee will try to advertise a world leader and I am looking forward to what people will think about Obama winning one of the most notable awards in the world.
If this mission fails and we find no water then it is a total waste. If we do find water it may prove there was once life on the moon but you have to wonder is it worth what we are spending. If I were president or in charge of NASA I would wait until our economy recovers before I think about this mission. There shouldn’t be any rush on this mission because the water will still be there 2 years from now and so will NASA. My point is I don’t think our economy is good enough to support a mission like this and with jobs and budgets getting cut this was a bad time to do this mission. If you are interested in this story you can find the article HERE
Barack Obama has won the Nobel Peace Prize. The Nobel Committee said he won it for, “His extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and co-operation between peoples” (BBC). I don’t think Obama has been in office long enough to receive this prestigious award. Personally I don’t think that he has made extraordinary efforts for international diplomacy because he campaigned for the presidency for most of the year and has been calling out Iran for their nuclear weapons. I think with this move the Nobel Committee is trying to advertise Obama and have people buy into his policies. There are a lot of questions about Obama around the world and people may think he is the real deal if he wins the Nobel Peace Prize. I think that it is very interesting that an international committee will try to advertise a world leader and I am looking forward to what people will think about Obama winning one of the most notable awards in the world.
If the U.S can afford this, then why are we in a recesion? Thats what I would like to know.