Tomorrow is Halloween and it is going to be fun. My favorite part about Halloween is ghosting people’s houses with my friends and dressing up in costumes. I also like watching scary movies. My favorite Scary Movie is Sleepy Hollow. The Headless Horseman is really cool and Johnny Depp does a really good job as Icabad Crane. It was really scary when they discover the headless horseman puts all of his heads in a tree. They pull the bark back and all of sudden hundreds of heads fall out and it gets all over them. Another good scary movie is Signs. I know it’s not much of a Halloween movie but it is still scary. I had nightmares when I saw the scene in the corn field. Mel Gibson’s character is looking through a corn field because he thought something was in there and when he turned around he saw the leg of an alien walking. They did a really good job on making the aliens and they looked really scary.
I wonder what costume will be really popular this year. The Joker was popular last year and a lot of people dress as mummies, witches, and vampires every year. I think a lot of people will dress as Barack Obama this because this is the first Halloween he is President. Some people really go all out with decorations and costumes. I was watching the news and they were doing a feature on Halloween decorations people made. This one house made moving decorations without using any motors. These people must have a ton of time on their hands if they can make difficult decorations like that. I just don’t get why you would spend so much time decorating when your decorations are only going to be up for one day.
I wonder what costume will be really popular this year. The Joker was popular last year and a lot of people dress as mummies, witches, and vampires every year. I think a lot of people will dress as Barack Obama this because this is the first Halloween he is President. Some people really go all out with decorations and costumes. I was watching the news and they were doing a feature on Halloween decorations people made. This one house made moving decorations without using any motors. These people must have a ton of time on their hands if they can make difficult decorations like that. I just don’t get why you would spend so much time decorating when your decorations are only going to be up for one day.
My favorite Halloween candies are Snickers, Fun Dip, and Reese’s. I also like Mr. Goodbars but I rarely ever get them. I hate Skittles, Starbursts, and jelly beans. Some people like candy so much that they go trick or treating twice with two different costumes so they can get twice as much candy. Me personally I think it would take too much time and I don’t know how I could eat that much candy. Halloween is my 3rd favorite holiday behind Christmas and Thanksgiving. I think it is going to be really fun this year and I hope get a lot of good candy.